Welcome to our Chicken and Birds garden

Our Service

We sell quail - eggs.

Fresh from the day.

One Unit  45 Baht

30 eggs

3 Units - 120 Baht

90 eggs

5 Units - 200 Baht

150 eggs

We sell hatching eggs:

we have a hatching rate from 85 - 100%. We have 5 hens and 1 rooster / Cage. You can choose the colour of the birds ( 80% sure) Pictures will follow.

25 eggs ( +5) -  75 Baht + shipping

50 eggs (+15)- 150 Baht + shipping



Shipping in Thailand: 100 Baht



Our birds live in a clean cage. We only feed the best food on the market. (Betagrow). No chemistry, no medicine)


We have Rhode Island Red, BeTrang and Plymouth Rock.

we sell fresh eggs - biological. Our chicken are outside 12 hours/day.


We sell hatching eggs.


We sell chicks  1 - 6 weeks old.


You can buy birds for meat.


You can buy chicken for meat.